Capsule Review

Capsule Review: Doctor Who Series Two

Ranking: 4 Pips = Great  | 3 Pips = Good | 2 Pips = Okay | 1 Pip = Bad

Photo credit: BBC“The Christmas Invasion”
Anika:  2 Pips
Has some great moments but it’s not particularly rewatchable.

Sam:  2 Pips
It’s a good introduction to Tenannt’s Doctor, but Tennant’s Doctor is kind of a jerk, as evidenced with how he treated Harriet Jones at the end. I used to agree with him, but then I grew up. And I still wonder if Rose would have stayed if he looked more like, say, Peter Capaldi.

“New Earth”
Anika:  3 Pips
It’s nice that once the introductions and explanations are out of the way, Ten and Rose settle back(ish) into telling good stories.

Sam:  3 Pips
This one actually holds up better than I expected? This is a nice new intro to Ten, in all his joy and wrath, and the story with Cassandra is actually kind of poignant.

3“Tooth and Claw”
Anika:  2 Pips
There’s like, werewolves and they end up hiding in a basement and Rose is “underdressed”…and it’s boring? At least that’s how I remember it.

Sam:  1 1/2 Pips
We are not amused.

4“School Reunion”
Anika: 3 Pips
It’s emotional and has fun moments. Love Sarah Jane and K-9 and their interactions with the  Doctor and Rose and Mickey’s ‘Tin Dog’ bit. The plot is forgettable and convenient and only there to set up those lovely interactions.

Sam:  3 Pips
My absolutely favorite Tennant moment is when he sees Sarah Jane for the first time. I feel so many of the feels. This ranks way up for that story, thought the main story is actually sort of meh and a waste of Anthony Stewart Head. But at least SJ and Rose get over their cattiness by the end of the episode, and I still cry when SJ demands the Doctor finally say goodbye.

5“The Girl in the Fireplace”
Anika: 4 Pips
One of the most memorable and poignant episodes of the whole series. I love stories about how the Doctor’s existence affects the people he doesn’t take with him, and how the people he meets affect the Doctor.

Sam:  4 Pips
Weirdly, this is Rose’s best episode of the season. Her jealously is actually sort of tamped down a bit, and she shows genuine compassion for Reinette. Also Reinette is amazing and wonderful and I want her to come back somehow please and thank you.

6“Rise of the Cybermen”
Anika: 3 Pips
I love alternate universes!

Sam:  2 1/2 Pips
I like the alternate universe thing, and I really like the story for what it does for Mickey, who let’s be real, is the real hero of this season. But god Rose is childish, again, which is just… you know, her theme for the season. I suppose they end up saving the world because of it, but it’s hard to sit through.

7“The Age of Steel”
Anika: 2 Pips
Rushed and kinda random? The set up is better. This just sort of…happens.

Sam:  1 1/2 Pips
Yawn. It gets a pip bonus for Mickey finally breaking free from the shadow of Rose.

8“The Idiot’s Lantern”
Anika:  2 1/2 Pips
Half pip extra for fashion and set dressing. 1/2 pip off for predictability and Rose being captured.

Sam:   2 Pips
I like the period decor? And the kid in it is good, but the story is a bit heavy handed and the baddie is forgettable.

9“The Impossible Planet”
Anika:  1 Pip
This two parter bores me and I’m tired of Rose being shuffled away so the Doctor can do his thing.

Sam:  3 Pips
Love an Ood! Also I really like the crew of guest stars.

10“The Satan Pit”
Anika:  1 Pip
This two parter bores me and I’m tired of Rose being shuffled away so the Doctor can do his thing.

Sam:   1 Pips
The rare two-parter where the second part is actually kind of boring. The Doctor pontificates with a bad CGI devil, Rose is sad and a tinge whiney, Oods do stuff.

elton“Love and Monsters”
Anika:  2 1/2 Pips
Love the idea, the execution is off.

Sam:  2 Pips
What actually happens in this episode? Elton is cool and all, but it’s not the best of the “Doctor light” episodes. Also the ending is really sort of gross, if you think about it. Bonus pip because Jackie is fantastic, though.

11“Fear Her”
Anika: 2 1/2 Pips
Aeris loves this episode because it is about a child who draws and I love Rose’s look and looks in it (Billie Piper is a very expressive actress) but at the end of the day it’s not good. Extra half pip for Rose being active instead of captured or sent away.

Sam:  1 Pips
Every time I rewatch the series I hope this episode will be better than I remembered and it never ever is. It’s a shame, because the actors are good. But the story just doesn’t work right. Which is also funny because it has a lot of little things in common with a seventh Doctor serial I like a lot, “Survival.”

12“Army of Ghosts”
Anika:  3 Pips
It’s hard for me to separate this from the second part. The pacing is off, but these two episodes are an emotional roller coaster.

Sam:  1 1/2 Pips
Freema Agyeman!  Was the Dalek thing a real surprise the first time I watched it? I don’t know. Anyway, lots of set up and they spend a little too much time with ghosts before the reveal, but it’s not bad. Just… the first of a two parter, y’know?

Anika:  4 Pips
Gets 3 pips for Billie Piper’s crying alone. I love Rose, this episode wrecked me the first time I saw it, and still gets me. I’m mad that Ten and Rose got a lot of ‘just fine’ adventures — and really the pacing is off on the whole season, always seems to be dragging or rushing — instead of deep character and relationship work, but I suppose that’s what fanfic is for!

Sam:  2 1/2 Pips
The first time I watched this I cried so much. I was so sad to see Rose go. But subsequent years/companions and the less nice sides of fandom have really worn me down, and even though I still cry a bit at Bad Wolf Bay, I no longer feel the sense of loss I once did (which I notably still feel when the Ponds go in series 7). Out of the context of series 3 and 4, it’s a solid episode and a good ending for Rose. I have a lot of thoughts on series 2, it’s one of my least favorites (along with series 8) and I don’t want to ramble too much, but at least it ended with Donna. Love Donna.

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