Wonder Woman Wonder Woman Wonder Woman Wonder Woman!!!
Anika is SO EXCITED for this film. She’s seen complaints from “but it’s DCEU so it will be dark and broody and terrible” to “this trailer is emasculating men by showing her rescue Steve” to “are they gonna focus on any other characters” and also “superheroes are so childish, when are we gonna be over this phase of our ‘culture'” and of course “ultra-feminists are taking over everything” to which she says:
Related, NanoWriMo 2017 has begun! You can be Anika‘s buddy and probably feel better about your own word count right away.
They released a bunch of stills from the upcoming live action Beauty and the Beast and while many of them are underwhelming, Anika is in love with this one:

Emma Watson stars as Belle and Kevin Kline is Maurice, Belle’s father.
And has also decided to create Belle Dax (yes a Disney Princess/DS9 mash-up) cosplay for next year’s con season so look forward to posts about that.
4 days to the election.